Owsley and Charlie, Twins of the Trade
1294. Jan & Dean: 20 Rock 'n' Roll Hits 1295. Jarmels: 14 Golden Classics 1296. Keith Jarrett: Bop-Be 1297. Keith Jarrett: Standards, Vol. 2 1298. Jason and the Scorchers: Fervor 1299. Jason and the Scorchers: Still Standing 1300. Jazz All Stars: Midnight at Eddie Condon's 1301. Jazzy Jeff: "King Heroin (Don't Mess With Heroin)" 12-inch 1302. D.J. Jazzy Jeff & the Fresh Prince: He's the DJ, I'm the Rapper 1303. Jefferson Airplane Takes Off 1304. Jefferson Airplane: Surrealistic Pillow 1305. Jefferson Airplane: After Bathing at Baxter's 1306. Jefferson Airplane: Crown of Creation 1307. Jefferson Airplane: Volunteers 1308. Jefferson Airplane: Bless Its Pointed Little Head 1309. The Worst of Jefferson Airplane 1310. Jefferson Airplane: Early Flight 1311. Jefferson Starship: Spitfire Mixworthy: "Let Me In," "Come Up the Years," and "Run Around," #1303; "Today," #1304; "Won't You Try/Saturday Afternoon," #1305; "We Can Be Together," #1307; "It's No Secret," #1308; "Runnin' 'Round This World" and "Mexico," #1310. Spent: "Somebody to Love" and "White Rabbit" (#1304) are great--as I mentioned in Radio On, when I made a list of my 100 favourite songs sometime around grade 9, I had "White Rabbit" at the top--but because classic-rock stations have decided they're the only two songs the Jefferson Airplane ever recorded, they're on life-support right now. I still go with "Somebody to Love" for my students on Grace Slick's birthday. It's more accessible than anything I've listed, I figure they may recognize it from the Jim Carrey movie, and it doesn't end by exhorting the kids to feed their heads, advice that runs counter to the Ontario curriculum. I'm pretty sure the only other J.A. song I've ever heard on Toronto's Q-107 is the instrumental "Embryonic Journey," one time. Yes, the Jefferson Airplane match up with almost anybody for me. It's their sound that I love--the folk-rock drone, the harmonies, the fact that at their strangest, they usually managed to come up with melodies that lifted even their most pretentious songs back to life. (No argument here--they definitely knew how to get pretentious.) The Worst of Jefferson Airplane was also one of the first half-dozen albums in my col- lection, and that proved to be an excellent gateway into the regular-issue LPs I went on to buy a few years later. A quick ranking of the first five: 1. Jefferson Airplane Takes Off; 2. After Bathing at Baxter's; 3. Surrealistic Pillow/Volunteers/Crown of Creation. The first two are mostly great from start to finish, the other three have strengths and weaknesses in almost equal measure. Not sure why, but I passed on Bark and Long John Silver a number of times. I wish now I hadn't--I bet there's at least a song or two on each worth saving. Jefferson Starship wasn't bad; Starship was easy to confuse with Survivor, Sheriff, and Michael Sembello; happily, they seem to have called it a day before Ship ever materialized. _______________________________________________________________________________ 1312. Jellybean: Just Visiting This Planet 1313. Jellybean Rocks the House! 1314. Billy Jenkins with the Voice of God Collective: Scratches of Spain 1315. The Best of the Jesters 1316. Jesus and Mary Chain: Psychocandy 1317. Jesus and Mary Chain: Some Candy Talking 1318. Jesus and Mary Chain: Darklands 1319. Jesus and Mary Chain: "April Skies" 12-inch 1320. Jesus and Mary Chain: Barbed Wire Kisses 1321. Jethro Tull: Living in the Past 1322. M.U. - The Best of Jethro Tull 1323. The Jets 1324. Jets: "Curiosity" 12-inch 1325. Jets: Magic 1326. Jets: Believe 1327. Joan Jett and the Blackhearts: Up Your Alley Mixworthy: "Never Understand" and "My Little Underground," #1316; "Teacher," "Fat Man," "Living in the Past," and "Nothing Is Easy," #1322. Something just died inside me: I would appear to like Jethro Tull twice as much as the Jesus and Mary Chain...The funniest thing about Psychocandy to me right now is thinking about how I used to get upset at staff who'd get upset whenever I played it in the record store. I put "Never Understand" on a CD-700 this past summer, and as I listened to it in the car, I was just shaking my head: what were they thinking when they recorded that, and what was I thinking when I assumed people who'd come in to browse through albums would want it playing in the background? Full credit for auda- ciousness, then and now, but what a bizarre, ear-splitting din. My Psychocandy review for Nerve was almost as over-the-top as the album itself--an accurate enough expres- sion of how I felt at the time, that here was something I'd unknowingly been waiting forever to hear, but if I tried to read it right now, I wouldn't be able to make it through two sentences...I don't know Living in the Past nearly as well as M.U.--M.U. goes back to high school, Living in the Past I bought a few years ago--but it's the earlier compilation that seems to be more highly regarded (you know, among people who regard Jethro Tull albums at all), so there's probably a song or two I could add from there. I'm listing "Fat Man" for the same reason I listed "Best of My Love" earlier: Boogie Nights. Nothing captures the apocalyptic decadence of disco, pornography, and cocaine like a crazy-mad Ian Anderson flute solo...Jets albums that never saw the light of day: Dream, Reach, Soar, and Fuck It, We're Out of Here. ________________________________________________________________________________ 1328. David Johansen 1329. David Johansen: In Style 1330. David Johansen: Here Comes the Night 1331. Elton John: Honky Chateau 1332. Elton John: Caribou 1333. Elton John: Greatest Hits 1334. Elton John: Rock of the Westies 1335. Elton John's Greatest Hits Volume II 1336. Johnsons: Break Tomorrow's Day 1337. Jesse Johnson's Revue 1338. Jesse Johnson: Shockadelica 1339. Jesse Johnson: Every Shade of Love 1340. Robert Johnson: King of the Delta Blues Singers 1341. Robert Johnson: King of the Delta Blues Singers, Volume II 1342. George Jones: Golden Hits 1343. George Jones: Greatest Hits 1344. The Pick of...George Jones Mixworthy: "Rocket Man," #1331; "Saturday Night's Alright for Fighting," #1333; "Someone Saved My Life Tonight," #1335. Spent: Everything else by Elton John. I had planned on putting "Tiny Dancer" here, my favourite Elton until it started to get played to death in the wake of Almost Famous, but my copy of Madman Across the Water must have gone to Randy. I guess I should be writing lots about this group, but there's nothing here that means much of anything to me. I've made reference to my indifference to virtually all blues music so many, many times in the past, I'd be happy not to bring it up yet again as I work my way through this. But I feel conspicuously silly leaving all these Elmore James and Lightning Hopkins and Robert Johnson LPs uncommented upon-- I'm sure it must seem odd at the very least, and, if you love that music, maybe even insulting. Luck of the draw: I'd glad I connected so easily with doo-wop, a rich and complex world that opened up to me and that I was able to investigate and internalize for a few years in my 20s, but with blues it just never happened...My copy of David Johansen is autographed, but unlike every other autographed album I have--the Richard Berrys I've mentioned, Fire of Love, another half-dozen--I have absolutely no recol- lection of this ever taking place. I saw David Johansen at the El Mocambo sometime in the mid-80s, and that's obviously when it happened, but I don't carry any memory at all of actually watching him sign. It's such a complete blank, I'm wondering if I didn't get someone who worked there to get it signed for me. I must have thought I'd prove the fundamental seriousness of my fandom to Johansen by getting him to sign one of his own LPs rather than one of the Dolls'. I probably needed to think that last part through a bit more. ________________________________________________________________________________ 1345. Jill Jones 1346. Jo Jones Band: The Jo Jones Special 1347. Marti Jones: Unsophisticated Time 1348. Marti Jones: Match Game 1349. Marti Jones: Used Guitars 1350. Oran "Juice" Jones 1351. Quincy Jones and His Orchestra: The Quintessence 1352. The Best of Spike Jones and His City Slickers 1353. Tom Jones: The Golden Hits 1354. Janis Joplin's Greatest Hits 1355. Scott Joplin Ragtime, Vol. 3 1356. New England Conservatory Ragtime Ensemble: Scott Joplin: The Red Back Book 1357. Duke Jordan: Flight to Jordan 1358. Joy Division: Warsaw 1359. Joy Division: Unknown Pleasures 1360. Joy Division: Closer 1361. Joy Division: "Atmosphere" 12-inch 1362. Joy Division: Komackino 1363. Joy Division: Still Mixworthy: "What's New Pussycat?" and "It's Not Unusual," #1353; "Disorder" and "She's Lost Control," #1359. The two best songs from Janis Joplin's Greatest Hits are listed back with Big Brother. Is there anyone who listens to Joy Division past a certain point in his or her life? I played Closer a few million times my second year of university, but once I put it away a year or two later, that was it--my guess is it hasn't been played since. It's not just that I don't listen to Joy Division anymore--that's true with much of my collection--it's that I have a hard time imagining a situation today where I would listen to them. Those albums seem to me to be locked within their moment more than any music I can think of. I was originally going to list five songs by adding "At- mosphere" plus something from Closer and Still, but I gave "Isolation" a try, and it sounds as foreign and remote as I should have guessed it would. "Disorder" and "She's Lost Control" I'm pretty sure of, so I'll let them stand. Unique sound, im- pressive records, perfect for a 21-year-old's bad year. At 43, not so useful... That's right, you heard me, now close your mouth, 'cause you cold busted! _______________________________________________________________________________ 1364. Joy of Cooking 1365. Junior: Sophisticated Street 1366. Jr. Gone Wild: Less Art, More Pop! 1367. Junkyard 1368. Big Daddy Kane: Long Live the Kane 1369. Paul Kantner/Grace Slick: Sunfighter 1370. Kashif: Condition of the Heart 1371. Katrina and the Waves: Walking on Sunshine 1372. Katrina and the Waves 1373. Katrina and the Waves: Break of Hearts 1374. Sammy Kaye and His Orchestra: The Beat of the Big Bands 1375. Thomas Jefferson Kaye: First Grade 1376. K.C. and the Sunshine Band 1377. K.C. and the Sunshine Band: Part 3 1378. K.C. and the Sunshine Band: Who Do Ya (Love) Mixworthy: "Get Down Tonight," #1376; "Keep It Comin' Love," #1377. (Close, if you're a fan, "Huh?" if you're not: "When I Was a Boy I Watched the Wolves" from #1369.) I'm listing the two K.C. songs to avoid a shutout--they could just as easily be clas- sified as spent. Scott Woods and I approached Harry Wayne Casey to write a preface for our '70s book, cornering him in some Toronto club out by the airport during his early- 90s "If Not Now, When? If Not This, What Else?" tour. We must have given him a couple of sample chapters--in any case, we never heard back from him. He probably had people hounding him all the time for their book projects--just couldn't find the time. Our publisher made contact with our second choice, Rick Neilsen, and we never heard back from him, either. Scott and I really wanted Matt Groening, but that one never made it out of committee...Joy of Cooking and First Grade are part of the Christgau subset. I couldn't hum you a note from either...Just to be really nitpicky: 1) Why would Paul Kantner give himself first billing over his wife on Sunfighter? Wasn't Grace Slick easily the more famous of the two circa 1971? 2) The well-meaning Jr. Gone Wild title completely misses the point--the implication is that art is one thing and pop another. Not so.
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